‘King Bibi’ and Israeli Illiberalism: Assessing Democratic Backsliding in Israel during the Second Netanyahu Era (2009–2021)
The Middle East Journal
Dov Waxman and Neta Oren, 76, 3 (2022): 303–26. DOI  
excerpt: Dov Waxman and Neta Oren, 76, 3 (2022): 303–26.

Arguing about antisemitism: why we disagree about antisemitism, and what we can do about it
Ethnic and Racial Studies
My latest article, co-authored with David Schraub​ and Adam Hosein, has just been published in the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies: Arguing about antisemitism: why we disagree about antisemitism, and what we can do about it. Online Article   PDF   DOI  
excerpt: My latest article, co-authored with David Schraub​ and Adam Hosein, has just been published in the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies: Arguing about antisemitism: why we disagree about antisemitism, and what we can do about it.

The Rocky Future of the U.S.-Israeli Special Relationship
(co-authored with Jeremy Pressman) The Washington Quarterly 44, 2 (Summer 2021), 75-93
Online Article   DOI  

The Nation-State Law and the Weakening of Israeli Democracy
(co-authored with Ilan Peleg) Israel Studies 25, 3 (2020): 185-200
Online Article   DOI  

Response to Michael Barnett’s review of Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict over Israel
Perspectives on Politics, 16, 2 (2018), 476-477
Online Article  

Young American Jews and Israel: Beyond Birthright and BDS
Israel Studies 22, 3 (2017): 177-199
Online Article   DOI  

American Jews and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
Political Science Quarterly 132, 2 (2017): 313-340
Online Article   DOI  

Is Israeli Democracy in Danger?
Current History (December 2016), vol. 115, no. 785

Confederalism: A Third Way for Israel-Palestine
(co-authored with Dahlia Scheindlin) The Washington Quarterly 39, no.1 (Spring 2016): 83-94

Jewish Foreign Policy: Israel, World Jewry, and the Defense of ‘Jewish Interests’
(co-authored with Scott Lasensky) Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 12, 2 (2013)
Online Article   DOI  

Israel’s Other Palestinian Problem: the Future Vision Documents and the demands of the Palestinian minority in Israel
Israel Affairs 19, 1 (2013): 1-16
Online Article  

A Dangerous Divide: The Deterioration of Jewish-Palestinian Relations in Israel
The Middle East Journal 66, 1 (2012): 11-29
Online Article  

Living with terror, not Living in Terror: The Impact of Chronic Terrorism on Israeli Society
Perspectives on Terrorism 5, no. 5 (2012)
Online Article  

The Real Problem in U.S.–Israeli Relations
The Washington Quarterly 35, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 71-87

Israel’s Palestinian Minority in the Two-State Solution: The Missing Dimension
Middle East Policy 18, no. 4 (Winter 2011): 68-82
Online Article  

The Israel Lobbies: A Survey of the Pro-Israel Community in the United States
Israel Studies Forum 25, 1 (2010): 5-28
Online Article  

From Jerusalem to Baghdad?  Israel and the War in Iraq
International Studies Perspectives 10, 1 (2009): 1-17
Online Article   DOI  

Neither Ethnocracy nor Bi-Nationalism: In Search of the Middle Ground
(co-authored with Ilan Peleg) Israel Studies Forum 23, 2 (2008): 55-73

From Controversy to Consensus: Cultural Conflict and the Israeli Debate over Territorial Withdrawal
Israel Studies 13, 2 (2008): 73-96
Online Article  

Ideological Change and Israel’s Disengagement from Gaza
(co-authored with Jonathan Rynhold) Political Science Quarterly 123, 1 (2008): 1-27

Beyond Realpolitik: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Support for Israel
Israel Studies Forum 22, 2 (2007): 97-114

Losing Control?  A Comparison of Majority-Minority Relations in Israel and Turkey
(co-authored with Ilan Peleg) Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 13, 3 (2007): 431-463

Israel’s Dilemma: Unity or Peace?
Israel Affairs 12, 2 (2006): 200-220
Online Article   DOI  

Between Victory and Defeat: Israel after the War with Hizballah
The Washington Quarterly 30, 1 (2006-07): 27-43
Online Article  

An Incomplete Revolution: Israeli National Identity, Cultural Change and The Camp David II Negotiations
Israel Studies Forum 19, 3 (2004): 140-157
Online Article  

Between Isolation and Integration: The Jewish Dimension in Israeli Foreign Policy
Israel Studies Forum 19, 1 (2003): 34-56
Online Article  

A Tragic Hero: The Decline and Fall of Ehud Barak
Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 6, 2 (2001): 71-88

A Dream Become Nightmare?  Turkey’s Entry into the European Union
(co-authored with Ersel Aydinli) Current History 100, 649 (2001): 381-388

Islam and Turkish National Identity: A Reappraisal
Turkish Yearbook of International Relations 30 (2000): 1-22

A Jewish Affair
World Policy Journal 17, 4 (2000/01): 75-82

Terrorizing Democracies
The Washington Quarterly 23, 1 (2000): 15-19

Terrorism: The War of the Future
The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 23, 2 (1999): 201-208
Online Article  

Turkey-Israel: A New Balance of Power in the Middle East
The Washington Quarterly 22, 1 (1999): 25-32
Online Article  

From Umma to State: The Iranian Revolution in Perspective
Georgetown Compass Journal 7, 1 (1998): 53-64
Online Article